Updated Link: 5 Indispensable Ways to Stay on Track Through Life

Published: Wed, 11/27/13

Please accept our apologies for providing the wrong link in today's newsletter.
Here's the right link:
"Five Indispensable Ways to Stay on Track Through Life" by Stephen Palmer

5 Indispensable Ways to Stay on Track Through Life   Stephen PalmerI wasn't but a hundred yards into it when I realized I was in for a serious challenge. I was scared I wasn't going to make it.

After I had been swimming regularly for about six months, my wife, Karina, and I retreated to a bed and breakfast on a lake.

I looked across the lake and thought, "I could swim that."

I estimated that it was about a half mile across, making for a mile swim, which I had done plenty of times.

That is, in an indoor pool.

But open water swimming is drastically different than indoor lap swimming -- an important fact I didn't realize until that day.

I fought the fear of not being able to see more than two feet in front of me. Every time I came up for air, waves slapped my face, making me choke.

But the hardest challenge was...
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