Why Americans Should Get Smacked

Published: Wed, 08/21/13

Social Leader Weekly

Why Americans Should Get Smacked
Elena Bonner would have smacked Jane Boucher upside her head. And she'd undoubtedly give Americans an earful for our relatively petty complaints.

Forbes reported that "Some surveys have found that 87 percent of Americans don't like their jobs."

Author Jane Boucher commented on the situation, "Most of us can't just quit our jobs."


"Don't whine to me about what you can and can't do in America," I imagine Elena Bonner saying in disgust.

Elena was a Soviet dissident and human rights activist who died just last year.

Knowing her awe-inspiring story, I imagine what she'd say to any American who feels "trapped" for any reason:

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Stephen Palmer is a writer and entrepreneur devoted to helping people conquer limitations, maximize their potential, and achieve true freedom.
Stephen and his wife are raising their four children in southern Utah.


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