The Real Thing: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Wed, 02/01/12

Email #251
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
The Real Thing

Capitalism, sometimes called "Corporatism", is not the same thing as free enterprise.
Both are certainly preferable to socialism or communism, but free enterprise is considerably more conducive to freedom and widespread prosperity than capitalism.
History has proven the following:1) Under capitalism, the divide between rich and poor naturally increases; 2) In a free enterprise system, the prosperity, freedom and dignity of nearly everyone in the society inevitably rises.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn pointed out that while modern American capitalism was clearly better than Russia's twentieth-century communism or Europe's contemporary attempts at socialism, the U.S. implementation of capitalism left much to be desired.
For example, he noted, under American capitalism the question of, "is it right?" became less important to many people and companies than, "is it legal?"
Likewise, the culture of capitalism frequently asks, "is it profitable?" before (or instead of) asking, "is it good?"
American capitalism, Solzhenitsyn said, created a nation more materialistic than spiritual, more interested in superficial success than genuine human progress.
Note that Solzhenitsyn was adamantly anti-communist and anti-socialist.
But he also found capitalism lacking.
In every particular, however, Solzhenitsyn's criticisms of capitalism don't apply to the free enterprise model of economics.
When the law treats all people and businesses the same--regardless of their size, connections, power or wealth--an interesting consequence occurs. Put succinctly:

·        In socialism the government ignores, downplays and literally abuses prosperity and freedom to the point that both are lost for nearly everyone.

·        Under capitalism, the laws promote the wealth and license of a few above the freedom and prosperity of all, with the cultural result of valuing attainment of wealth above almost everything--including virtue, compassion, and the liberty of all.

·        In free enterprise, the laws treat everyone the same, thereby incentivizing freedom, prosperity and enterprise (as long as such enterprise doesn't violate the inalienable rights of others).
    The application of this model is rare in human history, but the results when it has been applied are nothing less than spectacular (see Ancient Israel, Athens, the vales period of Switzerland, the Saracens, the Anglo-Saxons, and the United States--which by 1944 had 6% of the world's population and produced over half of its goods and services).
The lesson? Freedom works. Enterprise works. And the outcome when the two are combined is breathtaking.
We are capable of so much more than we've accomplished so far, and free enterprise is the most powerful economic system yet to be tried by mankind.
Isn't it time for an end to the outdated debate about socialism versus capitalism and a national return to the free enterprise system which made America great?
During its first century-and-a-half of application, free enterprise brought us major wealth, a standard of living for most citizens that rivals or surpasses the lifestyles of history's royals, world power, major technological and medical advancements, and the end of slavery.
It also brought the repudiation of racism, male dominance, religious persecution and a host of other ills that have existed for millennia.

With all these areas of progress, imagine what we could do if we re-adopted the free enterprise values and culture in our time.

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" FreedomShift is a book to be read and re-read. DeMille has stepped to the front lines in the battle for America's freedom."

~Orrin Woodward, Top-25 Leadership Guru
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