Art and Freedom: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Fri, 12/23/11

Email #223
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

Art and Freedom

Artists should have a say on governance, first because all citizens should have a say, and second because the fundamental role of the artist is not to entertain (this is a secondary goal) but to use art to comment on society and seek to improve it where possible.
The problem with celebrity, some would argue, is that many times the public gives more credence to artists than to others who really do understand an issue better.
This is a legitimate argument, but it tends to support media types rather than the citizenry.
On an even deeper level, art is not just the arena of artists.
Tocqueville found it interesting that in early America there were few celebrity artists but that most of the citizens took personal part in artistic endeavors and tended to think artistically.
Another way to say this is that they thought metaphorically in the broad sense:
1) they clearly saw the connections between fields of knowledge and the application of ideas in one arena to many others,
2) they understood the interrelations of disparate ideas without having to literally spell things out, and
3) they immediately applied the stories and lessons of history, art and literature to current challenges.
Another major characteristic Tocqueville noted in early American culture was its entrepreneurial spirit, initiative, ingenuity and widespread leadership--especially in the colonial North and West, but not nearly so much in the brutal, aristocratic, slave-culture South of the 1830s.
Freedom and entrepreneurialism are natural allies, as are creative, metaphorical thinking and effective initiative and wise risk-taking.
  Also by Oliver DeMille

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