Some Examples: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Wed, 11/23/11

Email #201
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
Free Enterprise
"As you examine our nation's history, it'll seem like it's full of these extraordinary figures who were equal to the times. I've read biographies on most of those people, and although there's some truth to that, it's more common that they simply saw themselves as ordinary men and so worked desperately hard to make a difference during those extraordinary times. John Adams is a good example. Even with all of his hard work, there were times he felt he didn't live up to what the circumstances demanded. But he worked as hard as he could to be prepared for the next round of trials. Now when you look at his life, the moments where he saw failure were moments when he learned a lesson for the greater feat ahead."
-A Soldier's Inheritance, by Jacob Roecker

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" FreedomShift is a book to be read and re-read. DeMille has stepped to the front lines in the battle for America's freedom."

~Orrin Woodward, Top-25 Leadership Guru
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