Shaping Change: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Mon, 11/21/11

Email #199
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

Class Wealth

"Two apparently contrasting images of the future grip the popular imagination today.
"Most people--to the extent that they bother to think about the future at all--assume the world the know will last indefinitely.
"They find it difficult to imagine a truly different way of life for themselves, let alone a totally new civilization.
"Of course they recognize that things are changing.
"But they assume today's changes will somehow pass them by and that nothing will shake the familiar economic framework and political structure.
"They confidently expect the future to continue the present.
"This straight-line thinking comes in various packages.
"At one level is appears as an unexamined assumption lying behind the decisions of businessmen, teachers, parents, and politicians....
"Recent events have severely shaken this confident image of the future."
-Alvin Toffler

The one absolute of history is that things change. Those who understand and accept this are in the best position to help shape the change just ahead.




"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens

can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

-Margaret Mead


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