Equality of Freedom: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Wed, 11/09/11

Email #191
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
Equality of Freedom
David Brooks wrote in The Social Animal:
"The truth is, we inherit, starting even before we are born, a great river of knowledge, a great flow of patterns coming from many ages and many sources. The information that comes from deep in the evolutionary past, we call genetics. The information revealed thousands of years ago, we call religion. The information passed along from hundreds of years ago, we call culture. The information passed along from decades ago, we call family, and the information offered years, months, days, or hours ago, we call education and advice."

All of these contribute to our knowledge, opinions, and political views. Moreover, two people from the same family and of similar education often have different views and opinions. A lot of information influences us, but ultimately we each process all the input and choose our own way of seeing the world.

In this way we are all truly created equal--and the greatness of freedom is that is protects this ability to be oneself and choose one's own way. The greatest equality is equality of freedom. It is among the greatest of all gifts, and it gives us unlimited opportunity--much more, in fact, than if any elite few have more freedom than others.

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~Orrin Woodward, Top-25 Leadership Guru
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