Technical Skills vs. Character: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Wed, 10/12/11

Email #172
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
Our Issue

"We still have admissions committees that judge people by IQ measures and not by practical literacy. 

"We still have academic fields that often treat human beings as rational utility-maximizing individuals. 

"Modern society has created a giant apparatus for the cultivation of the hard skills, while failing to develop the moral and emotional faculties down below. 

"Children are coached on how to jump through a thousand scholastic hoops. 

"Yet by far the most important decisions they will make are about whom to marry and whom to befriend, what to love and what to despise, and how to control impulses. 

"On these matters, they are almost entirely on their own. 

"We are good at talking about material incentives, but bad about talking about emotions and intuitions. 

"We are good at teaching technical skills, but when it comes to the most important things, like character, we have almost nothing to say." 

-David Brooks, The Social Animal

This is our modern issue, and only parents can really solve it. 

It used to be that grandparents, aunts and uncles, and other adult role models in the community could fix these problems, but we've taken away that role from them. 

It's pretty much up to parents now.   

  Also by Oliver DeMille
Is American education preparing the future leaders our nation needs or merely struggling to teach basic literacy and job skills?
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