On Empire: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Thu, 09/22/11

Email #162
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

On Empire

Consider the following thoughts:

"All artful rulers, who strive to extend their power beyond its just limits, endeavor to give to their attempts as much semblance of legality as possible. Those who succeed them may venture to go a little further; for each new encroachment will be strengthened by a former. 'That which is now supported by examples, growing old, will become an example itself,'[1] and thus support fresh usurpations.

"A FREE people therefore can never be too quick in observing, nor too firm in opposing the beginnings of alteration either in form or reality, respecting [government]....[N]othing is more certain, than that the forms of liberty may be retained, when the substance is gone."

"The love of liberty is so natural to the human heart, that unfeeling tyrants think themselves obliged to accommodate their schemes as much as they can to the appearance of justice and reason, and to deceive those whom they resolve to...oppress..."

"Some persons may think this act of no consequence, because the duties are so small. A fatal error. That is the very circumstance most alarming to me. For I am convinced, that the authors of this law would never have obtained an act to raise so trifling a sum as it must do, had they not intended by it to establish a precedent for future use."

"FOR WHO ARE A FREE PEOPLE? Not those, over whom government is reasonable and equitably exercised, but those, who live under a government so constitutionally checked and controlled, that proper provision is made against its being otherwise exercised."

All of these quotes come from John Dickinson, writing before the American Revolution. The fact that they are relevant today should concern everyone. 

In our time, a major reason that many citizens neglect keeping a close eye on government is the party system.

Many Republicans tend to see these quotes as applicable to the Obama Administration, but not to the Bush Administration. Many Democrats see it exactly the opposite. 

Citizens must be above party, beyond party, and keep government in its place--no matter which party is in office--or freedom will certainly decrease.




"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead

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