Why the Concern?: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Fri, 09/02/11

Email #152
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

Why the Concern?


Why do many Americans feel deeply concerned, even worried, about America's future? 

The daily news is often bad, but in reality the United States is still among the most free and prosperous nations on earth, and thousands try to come here each year (legally and illegally) in search of the opportunity America offers. 

Compare the U.S. to Libya, Columbia or China, or even Britain, France, Japan or Germany, and the opportunities here are strikingly positive. 

So, again, why the anxiety among so many people in the U.S.?

Though of course he wasn't speaking directly of us, Goethe summed it up in one sentence:

 "It's not so important where we stand, but the direction in which we are moving."

Any movement away from freedom is a tragedy--in itself, and in the momentum it creates in the wrong direction.

Look around. Be concerned. Be very concerned.

Then be optimistic, and start looking for positive ways to get our communities and nations going in the right direction. 

It is up to the regular people--like it always has been.

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Stephen Palmer challenges freedom-lovers to do more than march on Washington -- he challenges them to reform their own hearts.
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