Family Power: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Wed, 07/13/11

Email #117
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

Family Power

In shifting periods of history like the one we are now experiencing (from Industrial to Information society), almost everything changes. Economies change, as do governments, businesses, schools and cultures--often in major and surprising ways.

Since few of us want to admit that the cycles of history are driving things, most people are frustrated and feel vulnerable and even victimized by widespread changes. Many turn to government to solve our most pressing problems, hoping it can work miracles. Sometimes it can, and other times it falls short.

Others turn to other institutions or their own efforts for solutions. Few realize, however, the power of families in such times. Indeed, increased financial challenges and difficult world events often amplify the pressure on marriage and family relationships. Divorce rates increase, family dysfunction grows, and people look outside the family for more and more help--at the very time family members need each other and can help each other the most.

How much energy have you given to serving your family lately?


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