The Way Freedom is Lost, II: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Wed, 05/25/11

Email #82
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

The Way Freedom is Lost, II

"They wake, while the people sleep. Entirely taken up with the thoughts of their own power, they live but to increase it. Deeply versed in the management of public business, they see at once all the possible consequences of measures. 

"And, as they have the exclusive direction of the springs of government, they give rise, at pleasure, to every incident that may influence the minds of a multitude who are not on their guard; ever active in turning to their advantage every circumstance that happens, they equally avail themselves of the tractableness of the people during public calamities, and its heedlessness in times of prosperity....

"If a single germ of aristocracy [from any elite group], be once ingrafted upon a republican government...the republic is in the hand of the nobles [or elites]; and the people are nothing at all." 

-St. George Tucker, Virginia, 1803 
[citing Jean Louis De Lolme]

Any elite can be a danger to freedom. It is up to the people to own their role as the overseers of any nation that wants to remain free.  



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