The Statesman: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Thu, 06/02/11

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   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
The Statesman

The Statesman

The American founding generation turned the world upside down, first by defeating the world's greatest power and winning America's independence, and secondly by turning the thinkers of the world to the concept of how to improve government, law, economy and society. 

The founding of a new nation, the United States, on principles so different than the systems of the past millennium, turned many eyes to a new idealism. This focus on forms of government and economy lasted into the 1930s and caused many, including Alexis de Tocqueville, to study the ideal structures of nations.

In 1936 Sir Henry Taylor wrote a book about British government which caused another shift in world thinking. The book, entitled simply The Statesman, was written with the intention, according to Taylor himself, "to divert the attention of thoughtful men from forms of government to the business of governing."[i]  

He felt that too many books on government focused on the forms, types and branches of government, when the leaders of nations needed to give more emphasis to daily governance. In a sense, ironically, his title The Statesman recommended a widespread shift from statesmanship to politics.

Taylor's message was effective, and the shift occurred. Since the 1830's few nations in the rich world have put much effort into governmental forms, constitutions or overall systems. The focus has been on politics, bureaucracy and issues.

Nearly two centuries later, it is time for a shift back to the deep study of governmental forms. This daily feature is, in part, an attempt to help energize this shift. The future of freedom depends on this change, since any people which leaves its government to the professionals naturally sees its freedoms decrease.

[i] Henry Taylor, 1836, The Statesmen, The Mentor Edition, 1958, p. 21. 

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