Why is freedom dependent on morality?: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Thu, 05/19/11

Email #78
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
Morality and Freedom

Why is freedom dependent on morality? That is, why can't a free society succeed unless the people are generally moral? The answer is both direct and profound. 

The philosopher Eric Hoffer once said:

 "When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other."

Give people freedom and they will imitate each other. If they are immoral, violent, selfish and self-centered, you'll get a society that quickly makes freedom a terrible thing for all but the most powerful. 

On the other hand, if the people are generally moral, tolerant, selfless, helpful and enterprising, they will turn freedom into a widespread society of prosperity and progress. Morality, or its lack, makes all the difference.

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