Producer vs. Employee Society: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Fri, 05/13/11

Email #74
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
Producer vs. Employee Society

Perhaps the most pervasive and negative mantra promoted by modernism is that success in life is built on becoming an employee and its academic corollary that the purpose of education is to prepare for a job. Certainly some people want to make a job the focus of their working life, but a truly free and prosperous society is built on a system where a large number of the adult population spends its working days producing as owners, entrepreneurs and social leaders.

A society of producers is more likely to promote freedom than a society of dependents. Indeed, only a society of producers can maintain freedom. Most nations in history have suffered from a class system where the "haves" enjoyed more rights, opportunities and options than the "have nots." This has always been a major threat to freedom.

The American framers overcame this by establishing a new system where every person was treated equally before the law. This led to nearly two centuries of increasing freedoms for all social classes, both genders and all citizens--whatever their race, religion, health, etc.

We need to continue this direction today, despite ample pressure in the other direction.

  More by Oliver DeMille
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