The Courage to Try: Social Leader Daily

Published: Wed, 03/30/11

Email #46
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
The Courage to Try
"I was afraid to step out of my own little tribe, my own little narrow circle. I was afraid to take the risk of stepping into anything unknown. And most importantly, I was afraid that I just couldn't make any difference anyway." -Joseph Jaworski
I think this quote just about sums up modern citizenship. I've felt this way. Everyone I've discussed it with feels this way.
Our educational lives are all about specialization, and so are our social and career lives. We just aren't raised or educated to be broadly-thinking, actively-involved, deeply-impactful citizens.
Citizenship education isn't really part of modern America. Or modern anywhere, as far as I know.
The American founding generations grew up taking part in local town government which took care of nearly all local challenges and problems; citizenship was part of the air they breathed and the water they drank. It was everyday experience.
For us, in contrast, it takes a lot courage. And it's hard to use our courage when we aren't sure what to do and whether it will do any good anyway.
That's real. This is our problem, our generation, our reality.
But if we don't figure out how to get past it we're going to lose our freedoms.
What to do? The answer is to start. To try. To begin. To make mistakes, fix them, and keep going.
Modern education tells us such a course is crazy. But what other option do we have? If we do nothing, our freedoms will be lost. If we act, we'll make mistakes and maybe get ridiculed for our naivete or stupidity.
But if we keep trying, we'll eventually make a difference.
These are our choices. Meekly do nothing and avoid criticism. Or try.
Goethe said: "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."
Joseph Campbell added: "I say, follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be."

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