Making Lemonade: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Thu, 03/17/11

Email #37
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
Making Lemonade
 In our modern world the light switch on our wall sometimes makes us forget that there are seasons of day and night along with seasons of the year.
We think our machines can do whatever we want regardless of natural laws.
Penney Peirce wrote:
"I thought the fruit on my new dwarf lemon tree would always be hard and green, but like magic, all in the right season, the lemons have become plump and juicy and the flesh is getting soft. I can't make them ready to pick; they are taking their sweet time, fulfilling their potential as only they know how."
Babies grow at their own rate, as do gardens.
We can guide, teach, nurture, help and support, but ultimately children, friends, colleagues and others will make their own choices.
It's called freedom, and at times it's messy. But force never works in the long term--it only causes misery, rebellion and poverty.
Freedom is worth the mess.
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