The Example Principles: Social Leader Daily

Published: Mon, 02/28/11

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   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
The Example Principles
When the American founders spoke of a manifest destiny, they meant that America should set the example of how to be free.
Sometimes we forget about that. I doubt Madison or Hamilton would copy the U.S. Constitution for any other nation.
Instead, they would follow the pattern explained byTocqueville to his fellow Frenchmen:

"Let us look to America, not in order to make a servile copy of the institutions that she has established, but to gain a clearer view of the polity that will be best for us; let us look there less to find examples than instruction; let us borrow from her principles, rather than the details, of her laws.

"The laws of the French republic may be, and ought to be in many cases, different from those which govern the United States; but the principles on which the American constitutions rest, those principles of order, of the balance of powers, of true liberty, of deep and sincere respect for right, are indispensable to all republics; they ought to be common to all; and it may be said beforehand that wherever they are not found, the republic will soon have ceased to exist."

In our day we need a rekindling of deep study on these things:
  • The principles of order
  • The principles on the balance of powers
  • The principles of true liberty
  • The principles of of deep and sincere respect for right
These are still the hope of freedom in America and everywhere else in the world. Yet we have lost sight of exactly what these principles are.
They should be studied by every citizen and every youth in America, and anywhere else that believes in or wants freedom.
(To start such a study, read The Five Thousand Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen)
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