The Ship of State: Social Leader Daily

Published: Thu, 02/24/11

Email #22
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
The Ship of State

"At a place where the current wasn't too swift, and where there was a pretty good breeze, we sat down on the bank and Father showed me how we could make the boat go either up or down stream by simply changing the angle of the sail.

"After I had learned how to do it and was moving the strings so to make the boat tack up against the breeze, Father said, 'You know, a man's life is a lot like a boat. If he keeps his sail set right it doesn't make too much difference which way the wind blows or which way the current flows. If he knows where he wants to go and keeps his sail trimmed carefully he'll come into the right port. But if he forgets to watch his sail till the current catches him broadside he's pretty apt to smash up on the rocks.'" -Little Britches, by Ralph Moody

If a nation is doing the right things, it can weather any storm it faces. No outside force can hurt America if we are true to our principles, especially those in the U.S. Constitution.
But if we forget, ignore, reject or abandon these principles, our freedoms and prosperity are in real dangers.
The ship of state is steered by a very small rudder, the wisdom and will of the American people.
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