A Parable on Education and Freedom by Oliver DeMille (plus timely news)
Published: Thu, 07/30/15
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A Parable on Education and Freedom
by Oliver DeMille
Lines and Questions
I was in a long line at WalMart, and I started talking with the man standing next to me. We spoke about a number of topics, including politics, and in passing I mentioned that except for military and law enforcement, private enterprises are always better than government programs. He took issue with this, arguing that the government does most things better than private entities.
When I pressed him on this, he said that of course Washington does things better than people or businesses, because the government can keep spending as much as it wants until it gets things right.
I just stared at him.
“Seriously? It can just keep spending as much as it wants until it gets things right? That’s your big argument for the effectiveness of government?”
“Of course,” he replied. Then seeing the look of amazement and incredulity on my face, he asked, “Why? What’s wrong with that?”
“You realize that your model wastes a lot of our money, right?”
“Sure, but so what? I don’t make much, so I don’t pay much in taxes. Other people pay for government programs, so why should I care?”
I shook my head. Then I asked, “Okay, but tell me: what programs has the government got right?”
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Get 20% off all Oliver DeMille's freedom titles during the month of July. [coupon code FM-LAUNCH715]
Oliver's latest book, Freedom Matters!
This compact and highly readable new release takes you deep into the fabric of freedom to reveal the seven types of leaders that are necessary to perpetuate a free society. If you're newer to our works, you may not realize that Oliver's gift and purpose is to promote freedom. Come see why he's been hailed as a modern founder father, as you read this deep, inspiring and highly practical roadmap to reclaiming freedom for your family and future. http://store.tjed.org/product/books/
Saturday, September 26, 2015
8-8:45am: Registration
9-10:30am: Session I
10:45am-12noon: Session II
12-1:30pm: Lunch Break
1:30-3:00pm: Session III
3:15-5pm: Session IV