Type B Won't Cut it: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Thu, 07/26/12

Email #378
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
Type B Won't Cut it

We have less of a Washington problem and more of a citizen problem.

Too many citizens are on vacation from our duties.

We want to be Type B citizens who vote, attend jury duty and watch the news, and to look down on Type C citizens who don't do any of these.

But freedom depends on Type A citizens, who closely watch what government does and make their influence felt.

Imagine an America where the first branch of government is thousands of unelected citizens who study history and the great classics, read proposed treaties, important court cases, executive orders, budgets, and top bills proposed at the local, state and Congressional levels.

That's the formula for freedom, and no other formula has ever worked--in America or in all of history.

When the people don't actively watch out for their freedoms, they lose them.

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Stephen Palmer challenges freedom-lovers to do more than march on Washington -- he challenges them to reform their own hearts.
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