OPM and Washington: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Thu, 07/12/12

Email #368
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
OPM and Washington

The whole problem with Washington's spending is that government money is what is known in business as OPM: other people's money.

As the parable of the boy's burning money illustrates, we are always more frugal with something that cost us hard work than with something we got for nothing.

As long as our government runs on OPM, it will naturally be willing to spend it in ways (and amounts) that those who worked for it would not.

Of course, government always runs on other people's money, which is why the American founders knew that the people must ultimately oversee the government and keep it limited.

As long as our citizens feel removed from Washington's decisions, we'll continue to see wasteful spending from Washington.

Voters must use their power to shut the OPM spigot, but that can only happen when at least a few candidates truly stand for frugality in government.

Ultimately, the American citizenry must get more involved in influencing our government on a daily basis.

"Don't you dare burn our money," is a growing reality in U.S. culture.

We saw it in the Tea Party movement, and also in the Occupy demonstrations.

It remains to be seen what it will take to make Washington take notice and take action.

The 2012 election might make a significant change, or it might not.

The big question going forward is likely to be, "What should Americans do if the lavish spending continues into 2013 and beyond?"

For now, the voters have the power.

Specifically, the congressional elections of 2012 can make all the difference.

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