Government and Business: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Wed, 07/04/12

Email #362
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

Government and Business


Michael Strong wrote, in his excellent book Be the Solution: How Entrepreneurs and Conscious Capitalists Can Solve All the World's Problems:

"A short history of twentieth-century economic and political thought might be summarized as:

"Market Failure! Markets don't work as well as the classical economists thought and therefore we must control them (1900-1960).

"Government Failure! Governments don't work as well as democratic theorists thought, and therefore we can't depend on them to do the right thing either (1960-2000)."

Markets are excellent for what they are for!
Free markets create more wealth and distribute it more widely than any other economic model.
Under free markets we always witness a large middle class.
But the market doesn't solve all problems in society.
Nor does government.
To reiterate: markets create more affluence and involve more people in prosperity than any other system, and governments are the most effective entity in protecting inalienable rights and maintaining laws that allow markets to flourish.
But there are a number of things governments should not do and markets will not naturally do, and these tend to be precisely the major challenges our society faces (and seldom solves).
If we are to move beyond maintaining a quality standard of living for most people and the protection of our rights and freedoms, and effectively address society's main ills, people need to voluntarily take on the world's problems and find ways to address them.
Charity, philanthropy, volunteer service, service projects and social entrepreneurship (the creation of companies or projects with the specific goal of systematically addressing long-term societal problems) is vital.
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