Would You Rather Think on Your Own Than Give Credence to So-Called "Authority"?: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Thu, 06/21/12

Email #353
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
Would You Rather Think on Your Own Than Give Credence to So-Called "Authority"?

Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in Democracy in America that nearly all Americans are Cartesians, even though few of them know that a "Cartesian" is one who follows the philosophy of Rene Descartes.
Cartesians are famous for following the maxim, "I think, therefore I am," which translates into little faith in experts and a deep belief in the ability of one's own mind to figure things out.

In short, Tocqueville was saying that most Americans would rather think on their own, look over all sides of things and draw their own conclusions than give credence to the so-called "authority" of the experts.
One side of this coin is a trust in one's own mind, thoughts and abilities, and the other side is a deeply imbedded mistrust of experts, officials, politicians, bureaucrats or anyone else claiming any kind of superiority, credibility, class standing, celebrity or special credentials.
The American founders wrote this philosophy right into our founding documents when they outlawed titles of nobility.

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