The Buzz: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Wed, 06/20/12

Email #352
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

The Buzz

Sovereignty is having the final say on something, or having the ultimate power.
The American framers were so concerned with the abuses caused by the limitless power of the British government that they established America with split sovereignty.
This meant that the federal government had just twenty powers, all listed and numbered in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.
The final say, or sovereignty, over everything else was left to the states or the people, and the states were limited in their own constitutions.
The people were ultimately sovereign.

Moreover, just in case the federal government tried to ignore the Constitution and take sovereignty from the states and the people, the framers divided the smaller portion of sovereignty given to "Washington D.C." into three branches and established checks and balances to keep too much power from centralizing in any one place.

For decades scholars, students and interested citizens from both Left and Right have warned that sovereignty is centralizing in Washington, that split sovereignty is being replaced by a massive centralized sovereignty--all power in one place.

The new trend of "pooled sovereignty" is even worse.
This occurs where international organizations or treaties make the final decisions for the people, regardless of what national governments say.
Indeed, some of the most damaging choices being made today are decided without the consent of Congress or the Supreme Court, not to mention the states or the people.
They are made by treaties, the United Nations, G-20, World Bank, International Monetary Fund and other international organizations.
Most Americans turn off their thinking when they hear this list of international agencies--but the elite perk up with interest.
This is where the buzz is.
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