A New Trend: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Tue, 06/19/12

Email #351
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

A New Trend


I recently spent two days in a Barnes and Noble reading the bestsellers on current affairs.
I do this as often as I can, at least 3 times a year.
Sometimes I emphasize business bestsellers, and other times I focus on political books.
When I was too ill to do these visits for a time, I used Amazon to order the bestsellers every four months.
But I prefer the bookstore, because it has all the leading periodicals in addition to books.

I usually find a comfortable chair and stack 20-30 books and magazines on the table or floor next to me.
Then I skim everything that looks interesting on the shelf.
That's Step 1.
Step 2 consists of reading the books and articles that really pique my interest.
I read them closely, and take notes in my notebook.
Step 2 takes at least three hours and sometimes a lot more.
If needed, I go back for a second day of reading.

Step 3 is buying the books and periodicals I want to have in my library, and Step 4 is re-reading them and organizing my notes from the trip and writing as needed.

On this trip, my ride got delayed, so I ended up staying longer than expected.
I perused the business bestsellers and added more books to Step 2. Then I skipped to Step 4 and studied three books I'd already read over the last two days.

When I do these bookstore research trips, I'm always looking for something special.
I want to see developing trends, new directions, and significant key words that signal where cutting-edge thought is headed.
Only once in a while do I find a truly Big Trend, one that promises to remake the future.
"Pooled Sovereignty" is just this kind of trend.

Also by Oliver DeMille
Is American education preparing the future leaders our nation needs or merely struggling to teach basic literacy and job skills?
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