A Return to Free Enterprize: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Tue, 02/28/12

Email #271
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
A Return to Free Enterprize
If the Republican Presidential Debates, and the ongoing responses from the White House, are about real solutions, they will be all about the government effectively incentivizing free enterprise.
If the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street events are about real solutions, they'll promote ways to more effectively incentive free enterprise.
As long as government force is the dominant factor in our economy, things are going to get worse.
The Bush-Obama economic environment we live in combines stifling regulations with massive government spending and uncertainty about what Washington will do next.
This incentivizes decreased growth, decreased hiring, reduced investment in the U.S., and business moves to foreign economies with better incentives.
Unemployment lingers above 8%, and the real number when we include all who are underemployed is pushing 20%.
The mortgage bubble may not have reached its lowest collapse, and inflation or deflation appear imminent.
In response, the White House now recommends more government spending, regulations and programs.

One can only wonder: Why?

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