14+1 Great Leadership Books : The Social Leader Daily

Published: Fri, 02/24/12

Email #269
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

14+1 Great Leadership Books

The freedom of any society is directly related to the quality of books that are widely read in that society.
That said, there are some books everyone should read, like The Federalist Papers and Democracy in America.
And in a society like ours where we are desperate for more leaders at all levels, truly excellent books on leadership are vital to freedom.
I don't usually recommend books in this daily email, but I recently read a book on leadership that everyone simply must read.
It is Resolved, by Orrin Woodward.
I've read Woodward's books before, so when this one arrived in the mail I put away everything else and read it straight through.
It kept me up most of the night, and it was so worth it!
This is a fabulous book on leadership.
It outlines 13 resolutions every person should make in our modern world, and gives specific helps on how to turn them into habits.
Indeed, this book could be titled The 13 Habits of Success and Happiness for Everyone.
The stories and examples from great leaders of history and current events are moving and uplifting.
I literally have never read a better book on leadership than this one.
It is truly a revolution in leadership books.
If you are only going to get one book on leadership, this is the one.
I can't wait to read it again--more slowly this time--and take notes and turn what I read into goals and practical application.
What a great book.
Our whole society needs to study more about leadership, and apply what we learn!


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens

can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

-Margaret Mead


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