The Expertise of the Masses: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Wed, 02/22/12

Email #262
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

The Expertise of the Masses


Shakespeare said, "There is no darkness but ignorance."

American freedom has suffered because for several decades a majority of regular citizens have left freedom and leadership to the political experts.
This has begun to change in the age of the Internet, but it is still up to the regular citizens to determine whether or not we pass more (or less) freedom and prosperity to our children and grandchildren.
Ignorance kills freedom. In early America, it was expected that regular citizens read and had an education equal to the President, Senators, Justices, Governors, etc. Consider that the Federalist Papers were written for a newspaper audience.
Only such an enlightened people can maintain true freedom.
Liberty is always under attack from various sources, and since the masses benefit from it most it is up to them to keep it.
What great works have you read recently? Tocqueville? Acton?Bastiat? Federalist Papers 18-20? "A World Split Apart" by Alexander Solzhenitsyn? "The Inner Ring" by C.S. Lewis?
Readers are leaders, and those who read the greats think in bigger terms and more important ideas.
Only a nation of citizen-leaders can remain free.
  Also by Oliver DeMille
Is American education preparing the future leaders our nation needs or merely struggling to teach basic literacy and job skills?
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