Strong Words: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Tue, 02/21/12

Email #266
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
Strong Words

"In material things there can be no individual security without individual property.
"The independent farmer is secure.
"He cannot be sacked. He cannot be evicted. He cannot be bullied by landlord or employer.
What he produces is his own: the means of production are his own.
"Similarly the independent craftsman is secure, and the independent shopkeeper.
"No agreements, no laws, no mechanism of commerce, trade, or State, can give the security which ownership affords.
"A nation of peasants and craftsmen whose wealth is in their tools and ski and materials can laugh at employers, money merchants, and politicians.
"It is a nation free and fearless.
"The wage-earner, however sound and skilful his work, is at the mercy of the usurers who own that by which he lives.
"Moreover, by his very subjection he is shut out from that training and experience which alone can fit him to be a responsible citizen.
"His servile condition calls for little discretion, caution, judgment, or knowledge of mankind.
"The so-called 'failure of democracy' is but the recognition of the fact that a nation of employees cannot govern itself."
-John Sharpe

These are strong words, but we need to seriously consider them.

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" FreedomShift is a book to be read and re-read. DeMille has stepped to the front lines in the battle for America's freedom."

~Orrin Woodward, Top-25 Leadership Guru
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