Two Types of Nations: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Fri, 02/17/12

Email #264
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

Two Types of Nations

Thomas L. Friedman said on Meet the Press that major employers are "all looking for the same kind of employee now: Someone who can do critical reasoning and thinking...who can adapt, invent, and reinvent the job, because in this hyper-connected world change is happening so fast."
Clearly, Freidman argues, education has got to change--it's been too rote, and now it needs to prepare thinkers, leaders and innovators.
This is a hard job for an industry made up of mostly non-entrepreneurial, deeply security-minded types.
He says that, "going forward there really are just going to be two kind of countries in the world: HIEs and LIEs: High-Imagination-Enabling countries and Low-Imagination-Enabling countries. Forget Developed and Developing."
That's big.
And it means a better kind of education must be adopted.



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