What We Must Become: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Wed, 02/15/12

Email #262
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

What We Must Become


Friedman and Mandelbaum wrote in their important book, That Used to Be Us:
"No one should ever have to say 'I am moving from America to Singapore because it is more hospitable to innovation and entrepreneurship.' Just the opposite should be true. 'You will know you're successful,' said PV Kannau, the India outsourcing entrepreneur, 'if new companies in China and Brazil say, 'We want to move our headquarters to America because that is the best place in the world to do business.''
That's not happening right now, because our regulatory and tax scheme is far from the best in the world....
"Twenty years ago, even ten years ago, a report such as this one would never have been commissioned.
"The United States was the best country in the world for business of any kind, the one with the largest and most open market, the most transparent legal system with the strongest property rights, the biggest and most efficient financial system, the most modern infrastructure, and the most dynamic ongoing research and development in almost every field.
"It was a magnet for capital and talent.
"No company of any size, indeed no company that merely aspired to international growth, could afford not to operate there, and none needed a consultant to tell it that.
"Now, alas, things are different.
"Over the past decade especially, American has changed, and not for the better."
How many more voices need to say the same thing before Washington listens?
Until we free up the American economy, reduce the red-tape and taxes on small business, and become the most inviting economy on earth, our economic problems will continue.
Many believe they will get worse--much worse.
The real tragedy is that all this is avoidable. Free enterprise works.
America knows how to incentivize and encourage business growth. It's time to get serious about restoring our free-enterprise economy--and soon!
The United States has one of the highest business tax rates in the developed world, and one of the most burdensome regulatory schemes.
Of course we can't compete in such circumstances.
The question every American should ask is simply, why?
Why would the country that stands most for freedom in all world history now turn its back on the principles of freedom that made it great?
would we put our trust in bureaucracy, regulation and government rather than the proven dynamism of American enterprise?
Whatever the answer, unless we make changes quickly the economic forecast ahead is dismal.
Friedman said America is like a nation turned upside down.
At the bottom is an enterprising people passionately seeking to overcome economic challenges with innovation, ingenuity and tenacity, while at the top is a government consistently blocking the entrepreneurial efforts of its people.
Again, we can only ask, "Why?"
One thing is certain.
Friedman and Mandelbaum rightly argue that the best way out of this is not so much to study the fall of Rome, the Ottoman Empire, or other historical examples of what not to do, but to make a national focus of studying what worked best in our own American history.
We know the answers, because they are part of our national heritage.
It is time to put aside our modernist sense of superiority and admit that we want what past generations had economically and so we must learn what worked for them.
It will work again, if we are willing to learn and make the needed changes, because the principles of freedom are timeless and powerful.
Decline is not inevitable, but only a wise people well-studied in the principles of historical success can avoid it.
We must become such a people.
  Also by Oliver DeMille
Is American education preparing the future leaders our nation needs or merely struggling to teach basic literacy and job skills?
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