Governance vs. Politics: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Mon, 04/02/12

Email #296
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

Governance vs. Politics


Politics is all about getting elected, and about showing how the other side shouldn't get elected next time.
Governance, in contrast, consists of dealing with the challenges of the real world as they come, and of taking leadership to help ensure that what comes is best.
Americans, and indeed many other free nations, have long expected effective governance from our elected leaders.
What is too often missing is the same expectation of our voters and citizens.
In nations where freedom lasts, the regular people must get past participating in politics and become effective contributors to governance.
The first step to such citizenship is reading.
Good citizens have learned to read analytically and as independent thinkers, and they apply these skills to reading the following:

·         The federal and state constitutions

·         Local documents of governance

·         Proposed and enacted laws at the          federal, state and local levels

·         Supreme Court cases--both the major historical and current decisions--including the commentaries of the Justices

·         Proposed and ratified treaties

The second step, with such reading under one's belt, is political involvement: getting the best officials in place in our government.

The third step is on-going participation in governance.
This takes different roles for different people. Some fund the right candidates and causes, others write or comment on current affairs, and still others organize callers, voters, events and awareness.
Some establish organizations to directly fix societal problems, and others impact society in other ways.

Which of these steps is next for you?

And when you arrive at step three, what the focus of your citizen governance be?

All of us need to get involved.
This is how freedom wins the current battle for our future.

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" FreedomShift is a book to be read and re-read. DeMille has stepped to the front lines in the battle for America's freedom."

~Orrin Woodward, Top-25 Leadership Guru

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