Four Fledgling Futures: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Tue, 04/24/12

Email #311
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

Four Fledgling Futures

Nations aren't the only major actors on the world stage. Religions have long been significant, and corporations are becoming increasing powerful global entities.
Multi-national corporations (MNCs) have their own views of where governments are taking us and of how likely governments are to lead humanity into the next century.
There are at least four major views of how governments are likely to lead the world in the decades ahead and what we can expect of the 2st Century:
1. Another U.S. Century
In this view nations will project low trust, high fear and a desire for security into a world with a focus on high government regulation and coercion (at home and abroad). Local governments and international entities will be weak and national governments will continue to lead. Business will have little power.
2. A China Century
Also called a European Union Century. In this option nations will also project low trust, high fear and a desire for security, but with a focus on regional security alliances. Local governments will be strong, national governments will be weakened and regional alliances of nations will dominate. Business will have moderate power.
3. A Corporate Century
In this alternative nations will project low trust, high fear and a desire for security in order to justify their expense and power, but many big nations will break into smaller states (following the trend of the Soviet break-up) and major corporations will increase in influence economically and politically. Local, national and international governmental entities will lose power. Business will have great power.
4. A Tribal Century
In this development nations will have low trust and high fear, and security concerns will become more local or provincial. People will turn to tribes (ethnic, religious, geographical or even economic) for security. Local and provincial governments will increase in power while national and international governance entities will lose power. Business will gain power in some locales and lose it in others.
All four possibilities are in embryo right now, and any one of them could arise from our current trends.
It remains to be seen which of these, or some other model, will prove more popular. For example, how will world Islam or the Green movement play into this?
Unfortunately, this entire debate is taking place almost exclusively among elites and their agents.
Which means, simply, that the era of widespread freedom and prosperity for the regular people is over--unless something changes.
A good place to start might be to subscribe to Foreign Affairs or The Economist and closely monitor what is going on in the world.
And read The Federalist Papers and Democracy in America in the other hand. These are just a beginning, of course, but such a start is long overdue.
Also by Oliver DeMille
Is American education preparing the future leaders our nation needs or merely struggling to teach basic literacy and job skills?
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