A Saudi Question: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Mon, 03/19/12

Email #286
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille

A Saudi Question

Some leaders in Saudi Arabia have voiced concerns about how the U.S. handled Egypt, especially President Mubarak, during the 2011 Arab Spring.[i]
As the popular uprising grew, the Obama Administration eventually suggested that Mubarak step down.
Regardless of whether or not this was the right approach, the sentiment among some Saudi and other Middle Eastern leaders goes something like this: "If that's how the U.S. treats its allies, do we really want to trust Washington for anything?"
Ironically, many in Israel are feeling the same emotion.
Add to this the under-reported influence of Saudi investors in major European and U.S. businesses and banks, and this trend may be the most impactful in years to come.
Western economic dependency on Middle East oil is well known, but the bigger danger may come from direct investment in businesses and banks.
If massive sums of Petro Dollars were pulled from Western banks, for example, the term "too big to fail" would take on a whole new meaning.

[i] Meet the Press, December 25, 2011

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