An Amazing Question: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Thu, 03/08/12

Email #279
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
An Amazing Question
We are experiencing a truly amazing modern debate.
The more the government regulates and spends, the worse the economy fares.
As a result, the government seeks to spend more.
And a lot of the American people think this is a good idea.
Many Americans were shocked into political activism by the Great Recession, where the average household lost 3.2% of its income.
Since the Great Recession ended, during the so-called Recovery, the average household has lost an additional 6.7%.
Are we simply scared into submission?
Are we crying out to the government to fix things, because we are deeply terrified that nobody else will?
Is that why so many people believe that government force is more likely to boost our economy than free enterprise?

The amazing question remains: Given all of history, how can anyone take the Big Government side of the current great debate?

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