Freedom is simple, Not Complex: The Social Leader Daily

Published: Fri, 03/02/12

Email #274
   Social Leader Daily by Oliver DeMille
Freedom is simple, Not Complex
Freedom is not a complex idea.
But we do live in a complex world, and only complex government forms have proven able to keep those with power from exerting too much of it.
The American founders mixed the simple and the complex.
They simply pitted power against power, institution against institution, authority against authority.
And they simply put the people in charge of it all.
The detailsare more complex.
The House represents the people.
The Senate represents the states, and also, naturally, the wealthy.
The President represents the nation.
The Court represents the Constitution.
The States represent themselves, but also the people.
The Constitution represents itself; the people just have to read and apply it.
It also represents the people--it is written by them to the government, outlining limits of what the government may and may not do.
The electors in the Electoral College, which elects the President, also represent the people. This is the way it stood originally.
In simple terms, the following were represented once: the wealthy and the nation.
On the complex side, those which were naturally less powerful than the wealthy and national government were represented twice: the States, and also the Constitution.
The least naturally powerful, the regular people, were represented in our Constitutional model four times; this is complex in design, but what could be more simple than a government by, for and of the people?
On the side of complexity, the founders mixed the ideas of people like:
And others in this process.
On the side of simplicity, the people simply need to read the Constitution and the great freedom classics to understand freedom.
Another simple reality is this: When we lose our freedoms in such a system, it is always the people, not the system, which has failed.
The people have all the power--if they understand freedom, read history and the Constitution, and stay actively involved in maintaining their freedoms, the complex arrangement of Constitutional freedoms will not fail.

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